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our sunday services are in-person and online @ 10:45 am
We Welcome you to join us

Welcome to Bethany Chapel

We’re a group of everyday people striving to become the kind of church described in the Bible, where there's relevant teaching,
heart-felt worship, honest friendships, vibrant prayer, and compassionate care for one another and for those in need.

Whether you're someone who's just starting to ask questions about God, new to Christianity, or a longtime Christ follower who wants to sink the roots of your faith even deeper, you are invited and welcome here at Bethany Chapel.


For ladies who are unable to join in the hikes during the day, an evening hike will be held on the 17th. Click here for details and to sign-up.


Ladies, join others for a Walk in the Park at Edworthy Park. Click here for details and to register.


Starting in Sept, our Women (not so put) Together group will be diving into the book of Revelation. Books need to be ordered early, so click here for details.


Our next Youth event will be a backyard BBQ with yard games & outdoor volleyball. Click here for details.


Community Kitchen runs the Good Food Box program to ensure food security for all. For fresh produce at an affordable price, click here.


Parking passes will go on sale ONLINE on Tuesday, August 13 @ 10:00 am. Please click here for details.

For more information about what's coming up please see our Weekly Overview.

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What to Expect

What to Expect

What To Expect

Sundays at a Glance

The People

You’ll find the ‘regulars’ at Bethany are quite a diverse group. Our community includes people of all ages, stages, and backgrounds. And, people dress with that kind of diversity, too. A lot of our people dress fairly casual so you should feel free to do the same. 

The Offering

Not unlike the songs we sing, this too is part of our worship each week when people give back to God as He has asked. It is our way of thanking God and demonstrating our reliance on Him. The donations support the work of the church in the community, the city and around the world. We are grateful for people’s trust and commitment. We take up an offering in the service each week but you are also welcome to donate online.


We do our best to make sure we that we don’t embarrass you…no invitations to identify yourself, no special buttons or badges to wear. But, we do hope you stick around after the service and get to know our friendly people over a cup of coffee. We would love to connect with you one-on-one. Please fill out a Connecting Card when you check-in, or online, above.

If you have kids that are Sunday School age, please check in with our staff / volunteers in the foyer at the Children’s Check-in. You can find this desk to the right in the foyer when you first come through the front doors. Please bring your children into the service with you until they are directed to leave for Sunday School. An announcement will be made and a slide will be shown on the front screen. Please click here to learn more about our Sunday School, to register your children if they have not attended Sunday School before.


Bethany Chapel is located right across the street from Mount Royal University on Richardson Way. See map.

We offer plenty of parking in front of the Chapel, with space available behind the building as well… it’s pretty well marked. We do reserve spots for visitors and for those with special needs who may find it difficult to walk longer distances. Our main entrance, our sanctuary and our washrooms are all easily accessible and accommodate wheelchairs or other mobility devices.  

We’re looking forward to meeting you!


The Worship Celebration Service

The Worship Celebration Service

The Worship Celebration Service

Sundays at 10:45 AM

We gather together on Sunday mornings at 10:45 AM. If you would prefer to join us online, scroll to the top of this page for the link.

Our Goal

Bethany Chapel seeks to bring you into a close relationship with one another and God. It is our goal that you personally experience both every week through music, giving, the message, prayer and meeting together. You will enjoy an experience that is both contemporary and meaningful to today's life situations. The first Sunday of the month usually includes a communion service as well. 

Worshipping Through Music

Our Sunday worship service is led by our worship team, and features a mix of contemporary and traditional music led by a group of people that we refer to as our Worship Team. We incorporate a variety of instruments, diverse musical styles, and on most Sundays you can expect to hear keyboards, drums, bass guitar and piano. We also provide opportunity for those wishing prayer for their needs during non COVID times. 

The Message

The service is usually highlighted with an address from one of our pastors (check out some recent sermons) and is designed to conclude fairly close to noon.

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The Breaking of Bread Service

The Breaking of Bread Service

The Breaking of Bread Service

Sundays at 9:30 AM

Our Breaking of Bread service is offered each week. Please join us.

Open, Participatory Worship

The Breaking of Bread Service is an open, participatory worship service with scripture readings, prayer, hymns and observance of communion. 

(no childcare or programming is provided)


Meeting Jesus

Meeting Jesus

Meeting Jesus

Who is He? Why Did He Come?

Life to the Fullest

One of the most exciting claims of Jesus was that He came “to bring life and life to the full”. That means He can help us experience life beyond our greatest dreams and expectations. We all try to live life to the full but the Bible counsels that it can only be experienced through a relationship with Jesus Christ. Keep reading to learn more.

God's Great Love for Us

The greatest story ever told is the story of God providing a way for us to have a relationship with Him. The Bible says, “for God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son (Jesus) that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16). We have all failed to live up to God’s perfect standards and as a result live lives separated from God. This is what is called sin.The end result of that kind of life is separation from God forever. But the most amazing part of the story is that God loves us and desires to have a relationship personally with each one of us. 

It was God who acted in human history to change the separation that exists between people and Himself. He sent His Son Jesus to our world to live as a man and then die on a cross for our sins. The cross was all about Jesus taking our punishment for not living up to God’s standards. But that’s not where the story ends. Three days after Jesus died, God raised Him from the dead. That was God’s way of saying that He accepted the sacrifice Jesus made for us, and cleared the way so we could have relationship with Him. 

Getting to Know Jesus

Here’s how to know Jesus personally. It involves believing and turning… Admitting to God that you have failed to live up to his standards.  Second, believing that Jesus really did die on a cross in your place and that three days later God raised Him from the dead.  Then turning control of your life over to Him and turning the direction of your life around to follow His plans for you as you get to know them. God’s way of living life is laid out for us in the Bible. You can talk to God at any time. Just talk to Him as you would a friend about these things, because He understands you completely. 

Growing in Our Relationship

We all need help growing in our new relationship with Jesus. You might want to join a connecting group or attend an ALPHA course that we offer from time-to-time to help you grow. If you have started your new life with Jesus, we would love to hear from you. Knowing Jesus Christ is the most exciting relationship you can have. It is the beginning of a life of adventure with an all-loving, all-powerful God. 

“We are made right in God's sight when we trust in Jesus Christ to take away our sins. And we all can be saved in this same way, no matter who we are or what we have done.”(Romans 3:22)