Meeting Jesus

Who is He? Why Did He Come?

Life to the Fullest

One of the most exciting claims of Jesus was that He came “to bring life and life to the full”. That means He can help us experience life beyond our greatest dreams and expectations. We all try to live life to the full but the Bible counsels that it can only be experienced through a relationship with Jesus Christ. Keep reading to learn more.

God's Great Love for Us

The greatest story ever told is the story of God providing a way for us to have a relationship with Him. The Bible says, “for God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son (Jesus) that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16). We have all failed to live up to God’s perfect standards and as a result live lives separated from God. This is what is called sin.The end result of that kind of life is separation from God forever. But the most amazing part of the story is that God loves us and desires to have a relationship personally with each one of us. 

It was God who acted in human history to change the separation that exists between people and Himself. He sent His Son Jesus to our world to live as a man and then die on a cross for our sins. The cross was all about Jesus taking our punishment for not living up to God’s standards. But that’s not where the story ends. Three days after Jesus died, God raised Him from the dead. That was God’s way of saying that He accepted the sacrifice Jesus made for us, and cleared the way so we could have relationship with Him. 

Getting to Know Jesus

Here’s how to know Jesus personally. It involves believing and turning… Admitting to God that you have failed to live up to his standards.  Second, believing that Jesus really did die on a cross in your place and that three days later God raised Him from the dead.  Then turning control of your life over to Him and turning the direction of your life around to follow His plans for you as you get to know them. God’s way of living life is laid out for us in the Bible. You can talk to God at any time. Just talk to Him as you would a friend about these things, because He understands you completely. 

Growing in Our Relationship

We all need help growing in our new relationship with Jesus. You might want to join a connecting group or attend an ALPHA course that we offer from time-to-time to help you grow. If you have started your new life with Jesus, we would love to hear from you. Knowing Jesus Christ is the most exciting relationship you can have. It is the beginning of a life of adventure with an all-loving, all-powerful God. 

“We are made right in God's sight when we trust in Jesus Christ to take away our sins. And we all can be saved in this same way, no matter who we are or what we have done.”(Romans 3:22)